HSE Monthly Dashboard

HSE Monthly Dashboard


HSE Monthly Statistic Report Dashboard | Health, Safety & Environmental Template | Safety Form | Safety Dashboard | QHSE Dashboard


This product is to provide an outstanding template for HSE Monthly report with one click which will be covering many parts in QHSE – HSE dept. for any field. This template/dashboard has been created in excel only with just few formulas which can be changed by anyone. You just need to enter the requires data & this dashboard will automatically generate your report then you select the month & the generated report will appear on dashboard which you can print also. You can customize this dashboard/template as you wants/need.😊😊

Product Features:

✅ Outstanding Dashboard For HSE monthly report
✅ Covering status of total toolbox attendance, trainings attendees, Employee inductions, customers complaints.
✅ Status of safety observations/findings of sites/building/terminals. if they have been closed/opened.
✅ LTI “Lost Time Injury”
✅ MTC “Medical Treatment”
✅ F “Fatalities”
✅ First aid cases
✅ Near miss
✅ Fire cases
✅ Total accidents
✅ Our mistake & second parties mistake in accident status
✅ LTIFR for accident
✅ Total record-able incident rate
✅ Working hours
✅ Total safety violations
✅ Total safety alerts
✅ Issued work permits

Product Advantages:

✅ Add and remove any feature anytime by yourself
✅ Add and remove sheet as per yours needs
✅ You can change dashboard design, color and style anytime
✅ Modify it as you will need time to time
✅ Modify it as per your project/site/terminal needs


Apart from delivering excel products, I’ll be available #24/7 pre and after sale to support you if you will need me. If you wants to make any modification and make it more flexible as per your needs, you can drop us a message.😊

Thank you 💝


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